Sunday, August 16, 2009

On Reading: Bad Mother by Ayelet Waldman

I just started Bad Mother by Ayelet Waldman. I'm not far enough along to write a full fledged review. I am far enough along to say that her premise is that we're all bad mothers - not that it's anything personal, but, she points out, all the examples of good mothers are fictional: Mary Poppins, June Cleaver, Carol Brady etc. etc. etc. She also points out that women perpetuate this idea - that we're all bad mothers - by how much we judge other mothers and ourselves against these fictional role models.
I love Ayelet Waldman. I really do. She has four kids, a career she loves and a marriage that rocks, so really I'll listen to anything she says even if I respectfully disagree with her from time to time. But my first thoughts on this book are that I don't feel like a bad mother - and I love Mary Poppins and wish I could be like her in several respects. Granted, I have an awesome group of friends and family who constantly reaffirm my and my husband's parenting. However, I do admit, I feel like a mediocre wife (my husband never says this - and I will certainly never ask my mother-in-law her opinion on the matter), a lousy friend who is always behind on emails, thank you notes, and phone calls etc, a poor sister for similar reasons, and a disastrous housekeeper. But this of course, underscores Waldman's premise, that as mothers, we're always failing at something and perfection is always just out of reach.
I'm sure I will have more thoughts as I keep reading...

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